All models on this site are 18 years old or more. We do not, and will not, provide contact information for these models or provide personal information for them. No content on this site contains nudity.
All sales are final. If you have problems, you are welcome to contact us.
Purchase of any videos on this site are for personal use only. Reposting, uploading or sharing these videos is prohibited.
These videos can also be found on clips4sale. They are duplicated on both sites. The titles are the same, so make sure you don't buy the same video twice.
Some videos download as zip files; on computers, simply unzip and the video will be an MP4 file. The others download as a PDF, with a link to download the MP4. If you are having difficulties, please contact technical support at techjock45@gmail.com
By accessing this site you agree to the following:
I am at least 18+ years old, and the age of majority in my place of residence.
I will not redistribute any material from the website.
I will not allow any minors to access the website, or any material found in it.
Any material I download from the website is for my own personal use and I will not show it to a minor.
I was not contacted by the suppliers of this material and I willingly choose to download it.
I am entering this website because it has adult content, and I agree the depictions are not obscene or offensive in any way. In addition, I do not believe that this material could be considered obscene or offensive.
JockFootProductions.com is not responsible for any third party transactions between a client and model. They, the models, are independent contractors.
I agree that by entering the website, I will have released and discharged the providers, owners, and creators of this website from all liability that might arise.
I have carefully read the above and agree with all of them.